Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Projek Zon Bebas Pelabuhan Klang : Projek Yang Menghabiskan Duit Rakyat

PKFZ: Details of charges
December 11, 2009.

>Bernard Tan Seng Swee, 48, of project consultancy firm BKA Architects.

Faces 24 charges of making false claims to the Port Klang Authority (PKA) for electrical works involving a total sum of RM122.267 million.

The offences were allegedly committed between June 30, 2006 and May 30, 2008, with another who is still at large.

The charges were;

> nine counts of allegedly cheating the PKA between Sept 29, 2006 and Jun 5, 2007 to pay turnkey contractor Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd (KDSB) RM46,267,000 in believing that electrical infrastructure works for a 33kv system for the PKFZ works in Pulau Indah was completed as stated in the notice of payment, and

> 15 counts of allegedly cheating the PKA into paying a total of RM70,583,000 to KDSB by falsely stating in 15 notices of payments sent between Jun 30, 2006 and May 30, 2008 that electrical works for a 33kv system for Precinct 2 and Precinct 8 had been completed.

Bail set at RM250,000 with one surety for all the charges. Case to be mentioned on Feb 4.

Tan and KDSB chief operating officer Stephen Abok also jointly charged with two offences. They are:

> Cheating the PKA into believing that electrical works for a 33kv system for Precinct 2 and Precinct 8 of the PKFZ project worth RM4,080,000 were completed by KDSB in a notice of payment issued on July 31. 2007 and

> Cheating the PKA into believing that electrical works for a 33kv system for Precinct 2 and Precinct 8 of the PKFZ project worth RM1,337,000 were completed by KDSB in a notice of payment issued on Sept 28 2007.

Stephen Abok was released on a bail of RM250,000 with one surety for both charges. His mention was also set for Feb 4.

> Former PKA general manager Datin Paduka O.C Phang

She was charged with three counts of criminal breach of trust (CBT) of three bank accounts:

> between Oct 1, 2004 and Sept 5, 2005 at the PKA offices of RM98,700,000 of funds in a RHB bank account

> between Sept 30, 2005 May 9, 2006 at the PKA offices of RM21,600,000 of funds in a RHB bank account, and

> between Jun 1, 2005 and Jan 13, 2006, at the PKA offices of RM 134,550,000 in a RHB bank account.

The arrests of Tan, Abok and Phang yesterday mark the first in a series of five arrests to be undertaken by the police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission over the controversial PKFZ project which had been investigated by the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee.

The PAC had recommended that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and police investigate Phang and former Transport Minister Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy, who held the portfolio from 2003 to 2008, for criminal breach of trust over the scandal.

In its report, it had highlighted that certain procedures were carried out without the authorisation of the Finance Ministry.

The PKFZ controversy arose after the cost to develop the massive 1000-acre integrated cargo distribution hub and industrial park spiraled from RM2 billion to RM4.6 billion.


Kenyataan Media Projek Zon Bebas Pelabuhan Klang 

Sehingga hari ini kerajaan belum memberikan sebarang penjelasan tentang status Zon Bebas Pelabuhan Klang dan bertanggungjawab di atas pertambahan kos yang berjumlah RM 3.5 bilion. Untuk menutup kerugian projek yang gagal ini, kerajaan telah mengumumkan bahawa ia akan melanjutkan pinjaman berjumlah sehingga RM4.681 bilion bermula dari tarikh yang lebih awal.

Kes ini merupakan salah satu daripada begitu banyak contoh yang mendedahkan percanggahan kepentingan, rasuah dan salahtadbir melibatkan ahli politik, tokoh korporat dan pegawai kerajaan. Meskipun Perdana Menteri dan Kabinet sudahpun mengeluarkan arahan, Ketua Setiausaha Negara masih lagi tidak memberi penjelasan yang mencukupi. Tidak ada seorang pun yang telah dipertanggungjawabkan untuk skandal ini. 

Meskipun aspek kewangan projek ini sukar diselamatkan, sebuah audit yang bebas dan telus akan memastikan pihak yang mencabuli amanah di dalam kes ini dipertanggungjawabkan dan memulihkan kredibiliti Kementerian Pengangkutan. 

Pengambilan Tanah
Lembaga Pelabuhan Klang (LPK) membeli 1000 ekar tanah Pulau Indah dari Kuala Dimensi Sdn. Berhad pada harga RM25 sekaki persegi untuk sejumlah RM1.8 billion (termasuk faedah). Kuala Dimensi membuat keuntungan sebanyak RM993 juta kerana ia telah membelinya dari Koperasi Kemajuan Pulau Lumut dengan harga RM95 juta (pada RM3 sekaki persegi) sahaja. Urusniaga yang cukup lumayan ini melibatkan pimpinan UMNO dan MCA termasuk Pengerusi Tetap UMNO sekarang, Tan Sri Dato Seri Haji Onn Ismail; Bendahari UMNO, Dato Seri Azim bin Mohamed Zabidi; Dato Chor Chee Heung daripada MCA yang merupakan Pengerusi LPK dan bekas Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri; dan Dato Seri Tiong King Sing, Ahli Parlimen BN untuk Bintulu serta rakan-rakan mereka. 

Jelas sekali pihak utama yang rugi dari penjualan tanah ini ialah ahli Koperasi Pembangunan Pulau Lumut Bhd. Justeru, janji politik untuk memelihara orang miskin dan membantu orang Melayu tidak kesampaian dan sebagai gantinya kelompok kecil yang rapat dengan kerajaan terus mengumpul kekayaan. 

Amat aneh sekali Menteri Pengangkutan pada waktu itu menolak pandangan Peguam Negara bahawa tanah tersebut boleh diambil untuk “tujuan awam” di bawah Akta Pengambilan tanah pada harga RM10 sekaki persegi. Sebaliknya Kementerian Pengangkutan dan Lembaga Pelabuhan Klang memilih pembelian tanah tersebut dengan cara biasa pada harga RM25 sekaki persegi. Kini telah diketahui bahawa persetujuan ini dicapai pada tahun 2002 antara Kementerian Pengangkutan, LPK dan Kuala Dimensi tanpa kelulusan Pembedaharaan ataupun Kabinet. 

Pemberian Kontrak

Saya merasakan agak aneh bahawa LPK melantik Kuala Dimensi Sdn. Bhd., pihak yang menjual tanah tersebut, sebagai kontraktor turnkey tunggal untuk projek Zon Bebas Pelabuhan Klang menerusi Perjanjian Pembangunan Tanah bertarikh 27 Februari 2003. Kuala Dimensi Sdn. Bhd. Kemudian melantik Wijaya Baru Sdn. Bhd. Sebagai subkontraktor utama. Syarikat ini sama ada dimiliki atau dikuasai Dato Seri Tiong King Sing dan Dato Abdul Azim bin Mohd Zabidi sebagai Pengarah Kuala Dimensi Sdn. Bhd. 

Nyata sekali wujud ketidaktelusan di dalam prosedur pemberian kontrak oleh LPK dan Kementerian Pengangkutan. 

Kesalahan Besar Prosedur Kewangan dan Salahguna Kuasa 

Di dalam rekod awam telah dinyatakan bahawa bekas Menteri Pengangkutan, Tun Ling Liong Sik, memberi jaminan kepada kerajaan bahawa projek Zon Bebas Pelabuhan Klang ini mampu berjaya, akan mempunyai pembiayaan sendiri dan tidak memerlukan dana kerajaan. Kalau begitu mengapa timbul keperluan memberikan “pinjaman mudah” bernilai RM4.6 bilion kepada LPK? Bukankah ini satu lagi bukti kemelut yang melanda pentadbiran hari ini? 

Menteri Pengangkutan merasakan wajar untuk memberikan empat (4) “Surat Sokongan” untuk pengatur utama pengisuan bon. Tun Dr. Ling Liong Sik mengeluarkan satu surat bertarikh 28 Mei 2003 dan tiga lagi dikeluarkan oleh Menteri kini, Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy bertarikh 23 April 2004, 8 Disember 2005 dan 23 Mei 2006. 

Surat-surat ini memberikan komitmen Kerajaan sebagai penjamin untuk apa-apa liabiliti yang dipikul oleh LPK untuk projek Zon Bebas Pelabuhan Klang. Telah terbukti bahawa surat-surat ini merupakan jaminan kerana ia mengandungi perkataan yang bermaksud “kami akan pada setiap masa di masa hadapan memastikan LPK berada di dalam kedudukan untuk memenuhi (dan memenuhinya dengan sepenuhnya pada masa yang sepatutnya) liabiliti mereka di dalam jumlah pembayaran semula selagi mana jumlah pembayaran semula masih lagi tidak dilangsaikan”.

Menurut polisi kerajaan yang biasa, Kementerian Kewangan merupakan satu-satu agensi kerajaan yang boleh mengeluarkan apa-apa bentuk jaminan bagi kerajaan dan ini mestilah mendapat kelulusan cabinet. Pemberian “Surat Sokongan” bercanggah dengan peraturan dan prosedur kerajaan. Ketika saya menjawat Menteri Kewangan, perkara sebegini tidak pernah dibenarkan berlaku. Apa yang lebih dasyat ialah Pembedaharaan tidak sedar tentang surat-surat ini sehinggalah mereka dimaklumkan oleh pengatur utama pada Disember 2006. 

Berdasarkan keterangan di atas, wujud asas yang kukuh bahawa Tun Dr. Ling Liong Sik dan Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy terlibat di dalam sesuatu yang tidak betul di dalam mengeluarkan surat sokongan yang mengakibatkan kerajaan terpaksa menyelamatkan LPK dengan memberikan kelebihan yang luarbiasa kepada beberapa pihak. Pihak-pihak terbabit juga disokong oleh kehadiran pimpinan UMNO di dalamnya. 

Desakan Untuk Siasatan Menyeluruh dan Bebas

Saya mesti menyatakan bahawa saya terkejut dengan sikap tidak endah pentadbiran Abdullah di dalam salahtadbir projek awam dan prinsip-prinsip pentadbiran yang baik di samping kegagalan pegawai awam di dalam menguruskan projek-projek negara. 

Saya, dengan ini, mendesak siasatan audit siasatan menyeluruh dan bebas oleh firma audit professional terhadap projek Zon Bebas Pelabuhan Klang. Audit ini sewajarnya menentukan tahap liabiliti kerajaan, mendedahkan kelemahan yang sedia ada di dalam sistem kawalan kewangan dan perakaunan, dan menentukan sama ada wujud bukti kesalahan kewangan, salahlaku ataupun rasuah. Saya juga mencadangkan agar kerajaan mendedahkan semua rekod berkaitan perkara ini kepada orang awam bersama laporan audit selepas ia dibentangkan di Parlimen. 

Saya ingin mengulangi desakan saya sebelum ini agar sebuah Suruhanjaya DiRaja ditubuhkan dan juga mendesak BPR dan badan-badan berkaitan lain untuk bertindak dan menyiasat sepenuhnya skandal ini


The Malaysian Government has yet to offer any explanation on the status of the Port Klang Free Zone project and to account for the huge cost overrun amounting to RM 3.5 billion. To cover the losses on this botched project, the Government announced it will extend a soft loan amounting to RM 4.681 billion to the Port Klang Authority. 

This affair is one of the many examples from the present administration that reveals conflict of interest, corruption and mismanagement involving politicians, business interests and public officials. Despite directives from the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, no explanation is yet forthcoming from the Chief Secretary to the Government. Not a single person has been held accountable for this fiasco.

While the project’s finances are beyond salvaging, an independent and transparent audit would be necessary to hold those guilty of malfeasance to account and rebuild some credibility in the Ministry of Transport.

Land Acquisition

PKA purchased 1000 acres of Pulau Indah land from Kuala Dimensi Sdn Berhad at RM 25 per square foot for a total consideration of RM 1.8 billion (inclusive of interest). Kuala Dimensi made a capital gain of RM 993 million because it had purchased the land from Pulau Lumut Development Cooperative Berhad for only RM 95 million (at RM 3 per square foot). This lucrative deal involved UMNO and MCA politicians including the current UMNO Permanent Chairman, Tan Sri Dato Seri Haji Onn Ismail; UMNO Treasurer, Dato Seri Azim bin Mohamed Zabidi; MCA’s Dato Chor Chee Heung who is the Chairman of KPA and former Deputy Minister of Home Affairs; Dato Seri Tiong King Sing, Barisan Nasional MP for Bintulu and their associates.

It is abundantly clear that the main losers from this land sale are the members of Pulau Lumut Development Cooperative Bhd. We can see the political promise to protect the poor and help the Malays remain unfulfilled and in its place the chosen few continue to amass untold wealth. 

It is strange that the then Minister of Transport saw fit to reject the Attorney-General’s view that the land could be acquired for “public purpose” under the Land Acquisition Act at RM 10 per square foot. Instead, the Ministry of Transport and the PKA preferred to transact the land purchase on a “willing buyer and willing seller” basis and a price of RM 25 per square foot.. It is now known that this basis had been agreed to in 2002 between the Ministry of Transport and KPA and Kuala Dimensi without approval of the Treasury or the Cabinet.

Award of Contract

I find it very strange that PKA appointed Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd, the company that sold the land, the sole “turnkey contractor” for the Port Klang Free Zone project via the Land Development Agreement dated 27 February 2003. Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd in turn appointed Wijaya Baru Sdn Bhd as the main subcontractor. These companies are either owned or controlled by Dato Seri Tiong King Sing and Dato Abdul Azim bin Mohd Zabidi is a Director of Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd. 

There is a total lack of transparency in the procedure in the award of contracts by Port Klang Authority and the Ministry of Transport.

Serious Violations of Financial Procedures and Abuse of Power

It is a matter of public record that the former Minister of Transport, Tun Ling Liong Sik, assured the Government that the Port Klang Free Trade Zone project was feasible, self financing and would not require government funding. Why is there then a need to extend a soft loan amounting to RM 4.6 billion to Port Klang Authority? Is this not further evidence of the rot within the present administration?

The Minister of Transport saw fit to issue four (4) “Letters of Supports” to the lead arranger for the bond issues. Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik issued one dated 28 May 2003 and the other three by the present Minister, Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy dated 23 April 2004, 8 December 2005 and 23 May 2006.

These Letters committed the Government as Guarantor for any financial liabilities incurred by the Port Klang Authority for the Port Klang Free Zone project. It has been established that these Letters tantamount to guarantees as they contained words to the effect that “we shall at all times in the future ensure that PKA is in the position to meet (and do meet in full and on a timely basis) their liabilities in respect of the Repayment Amount for so long as an amount in respect of the Repayment amount remains outstanding”.

It is standard Government policy that The Ministry of Finance is the only government agency which has the authority to issue any form of guarantee on behalf of the Government and that this must be endorsed by the Cabinet. The issuance of the “Letter of Support” is in violation of the Government’s rules and procedures. Under my watch when I was Minister of Finance, such infractions were not allowed to happen. What was worse is that the Treasury was not aware of these letters until they were alerted by the lead arranger in December 2006.

Based on the above, there is a strong basis to believe that Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik and Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy are complicit to the improprieties in issuing the “Letter of Support” which resulted in the Government having to bail out Port Klang Authority but exerting undue advantage to certain parties. These parties are also supported by the presence of UMNO stewards within their ranks. 

Call for Full and Independent Investigation

I must state that I am shocked at the Abdullah administration’s continued disregard of mismanagement of public funded projects and basic tenets of good governance as well as the incompetence of public officials in their management of national projects.

I, therefore, call for a full and independent investigative audit by a firm of professional auditors into the state of affairs of the Port Klang Free Trade Zone project. The audit should determine the extent of the Government’s liability, pinpoint existing weaknesses in the system of financial and accounting controls, and ascertain whether there is evidence of financial improprieties, misconduct, and corruption. I further suggest that the Government declassify all records pertaining to this matter and make it public together with the audit report after it has been tabled in parliament.

I would like to repeat my earlier call for a Royal Commission to be established as well as getting the ACA and other relevant authorities to act and investigate without fear or favour on this matter.


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